Notched S-Video Mod

Written by Eli Krause

Although this is a DVD combo set, the DVD video information is sent to the jungle chip via composite on this model, so this mod does not involve switching between the DVD video line. This also means that this mod will result in notched S-Video. There may be very slight video noise when using S-Video (using shielded wires or a ferrite choke was not found be of improvement), but generally will not be noticeable during gameplay. While this is the same tube used in some JVC/Ikegami professional monitors, on this set S-Video will have a 3.58MHz notch (attenuation) applied to luminance, which means it will actually properly blend most dithering patterns (unlike the pro monitors with this tube when using standard S-Video).

  1. Lift the side of resistor leg R719 that is closer to capacitor C7038.

  2. Wire the lifted resistor leg to the center of an SPDT switch.

  3. For the two remaining points on the switch, one will connect to the now empty throughhole that the resistor got lifted from, and the other point will connect to the chroma input from the S-Video jack, which should also be 75 ohm ground terminated.


  1. Luma can be wired directly to the composite video input.

  2. Wire the ground lines on the S-Video jack to chassis ground.
