Akai CFTD2088

Trixter192, Myles
February 20, 2025, 3:43 am
February 21, 2025, 7:14 pm


20" television with build in VCR and DVD player.


None available at this time.


There is very little information available on this television at this time. Some remote control websites mention other televisions that are supported. It looks identical and is most likely the same chassis as a Memorex MVDT-2002, MVDT-2002A, or MVDT-2002B. The owner's manual for the MVDT-2002a is here and the service manual is here. If you have the Akai, please let us know if you can confirm the internal components match the service manual so that we can fully document the televison.


Akai CFTD2088 Akai CFTD2088 Akai CFTD2088 Akai CFTD2088 Akai CFTD2088 Akai CFTD2088