Akai CTS2550

August 24, 2024, 3:45 am
January 10, 2025, 7:45 am


This Akai set from 2002 features a rare combination to see in the west: a 25" CRT with component inputs! This set is a rebadge of Samsung's TXM2556, but in a silver case variety.



The component video quality looks quite good, which is thanks to it's Philips TDA9377 jungle chip. While the set sadly has no input for s-video, the chip has been documented to support a modification for that signal.

There are three known picture tube models this set used, a Samsung one, a Philips one, and an RCA one. These picture tube models can be found in many other sets of the time, including arcade chassis.

The 25" screen paired with the clean component signal evokes the look of an early-90s arcade monitor. It is not confirmed, but I believe this set may support 50hz. Someone give it a try to enjoy 15khz arcade titles that display in wonky resolutions and refresh rates!


Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550 Akai CTS2550