Apple Studio Display 21 (M4868)

Matt Ross
August 24, 2024, 4:01 am
January 14, 2025, 2:27 am


Nearing the end of Apple's CRT production, the 21 inch Studio display is a massive monitor, even compared with other 21" PC displays. It was sold in two color patterns (Blueberry and Graphite), and styled to match the Power Mac G3/G4 aesthetic. It uses a Sony Trinitron tube with a custom chassis, balanced on a very sturdy tripod stand. It was targeted to the professional graphic design market, and advertised extensive software-based color calibration features.



This monitor uses a standard VGA connector for its video input. As such, it can be used with a PC or other VGA-compatible device. However, the monitor only has external controls for brightness and contrast. It requires a Mac-based utility named "USB Display Service Utility" to set geometry and color balance. It's best used in conjunction with a Power Mac G3 or G4, although it can be moved to another computer after configuration is complete.


Apple Studio Display 21 (M4868) Apple Studio Display 21 (M4868) Apple Studio Display 21 (M4868) Apple Studio Display 21 (M4868) Apple Studio Display 21 (M4868) Apple Studio Display 21 (M4868) Apple Studio Display 21 (M4868)