Hitachi CT-2000S

Matt Ross
August 30, 2024, 11:09 pm
December 25, 2024, 1:11 am


High end 20" TV from Hitachi, with classic mid-'80s style and a variety of features. Includes two composite A/V inputs, audio and video outputs, and a digital RGB input via an EIAJ-8 connector. Constructed with a silver laminate wooden case, large side-mounted speakers, and a dark tinted bubble tube.



The RGB input accepts TTL-level digital RGBI signals. Internally, this is routed through a digital to analog conversion circuit and mixed with the TV's color output via an AN5352N character interface chip. This IC is designed to accept 1Vpp analog RGB, so it should be possible to bypass the digital input and modify the TV to accept external analog RGB directly.


Hitachi CT-2000S Hitachi CT-2000S Hitachi CT-2000S Hitachi CT-2000S Hitachi CT-2000S