NEC CT-2060A

Eli Krause
November 5, 2024, 6:59 pm
November 29, 2024, 6:10 pm


Stylish 80s set with red LED lights on the base, and a 90° tube made in Japan.


Owner's Manual for the same but larger CT-2660A


There are many unlabelled potentiometers and switches internally. S401 adjusts vertical position, and S501 adjusts horizontal position. This set can likely be S-Video modded.

Repair Notes

One speaker was blown, and both had their foam completely disintegrated. At least six electrolytic capacitors had gone open.


NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A NEC CT-2060A