NEC CT-2606A

June 27, 2024, 10:33 am
January 6, 2025, 11:33 pm


A barebones NEC consumer set from 1987, made by their US-based Home electronics division.


(None at this time.)


I personally don't think the tube in this set is that bad, honestly. In fact, most consumer sets from the 1980s looked like this, what with the raw, unfiltered composite signal and chunky TVL. I would accept these sets for what they are, and keep your expectations in check.


NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A NEC CT-2606A