Panasonic CTP-1050R

Andy King
August 30, 2024, 1:42 am
February 11, 2025, 12:15 am


Portable 10" TV with composite and RF input. There is an RF-only model known as the CTP-1010R.



This TV uses the same tube as the Panasonic AG-500R and AG-550 VCR combo units.

Like most other 9-10" consumer-grade CRTs, this has imperfect horizontal linearity due to chassis design. There is no horizontal linearity correction coil to ensure the horizontal timing is consistent through the whole scanline. The circuit is omitted for cost cutting. This means if you view a grid pattern you will see the right side of the screen is squished horizontally. Generally you won't notice this during gameplay or viewing.

Jungle chip has Y/C input but chassis has no isolation transformer so mods are not recommended due to floating ground.


Panasonic CTP-1050R Panasonic CTP-1050R Panasonic CTP-1050R Panasonic CTP-1050R Panasonic CTP-1050R