RCA 24V511T

January 19, 2025, 8:09 pm
January 20, 2025, 1:15 am


24" color TV from RCA. Features RF, composite, and s-video inputs. Originally manufactured by TTE at Thomson's Thailand facility.



This set was made when Thomson (RCA's owner) was merging production of televisions with TCL in 2004 to form TCL-Thomson Electronics Corporation.

Picture quality is decent over s-video. Based on the picture of the jungle chip, it is implied it was made by TCL. But when looking in the service manual, the part number is different. I speculate that the chip is either a rebadge or a clone of a Toshiba chip.

Picture tube is a Thomson model made at their Guangdong plant, formerly owned and operated by China's Xinyuan Highway Development (aka Fortune) until 2003. Link to Document

Service Menu

  1. Enter the service mode (S-Mode) by pressing the VOLUME DOWN key on the instrument until the volume decreases to minimum.

  2. Press the INFO key on the remote handset while holding the VOLUME DOWN key on the instrument.

  3. Press the PROGRAM UP/DOWN buttons to select the different adjustments under the first menu and press the VOLUME UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the setting (value).

  4. Press the OK button to toggle into the Main Menu selection mode and select the different Main menu sections using the PROGRAM UP/DOWN buttons. Press the OK button again to toggle back into the value adjustment mode.

  5. Menus up to menu 19 can be selected directly using the remote control by pressing digital buttons 1~9, 0, notebook, CAP, Display, Sleep, Calendar, System/INS, Favorite, Return and Picture.

  6. Press the Sound button to save the new settings and exit the service mode.


RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T RCA 24V511T