RCA 32V430T

July 19, 2024, 11:41 pm
March 8, 2025, 2:26 pm


A surprisingly excellent set by RCA. Has a full set of inputs. One of their very last ones made by Thomson's Mexico facility before merging with TCL.



This set has excellent picture quality over component that will put any overrated D-Series to shame.

But what is especially surprising is that it displays oddball resolutions and refresh rates. Mortal Kombat is 400x254p at 53.6hz and the RCA displays it like a champ. Same with R-Type's 384x256p at 55hz. It's insane!

How many CRTs released in North America that can do these wacky arcade frequencies? This set is truly a gem.


RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T RCA 32V430T