RCA F25675BC

July 21, 2024, 1:50 am
January 6, 2025, 11:42 pm


A midrange 25" set by RCA from the late 90s. Made at Thomson's Mexico facility, as RCA's Bloomington plant was shut down in 1998.



This kind of set is rather rare in that it's a 25" screen and has s-video. Being that it has that classic screen size, I find it works really well with arcade games being displayed over s-video. The pictures provided are not the best quality, I'll admit. The tube is honestly rather tired, though this may not be too dissimilar to most arcade chassis these days. Still, you can see the intent and beauty shine through.

This set does use one of the lower-end ADT-family tubes, as expected. Unless the tube is fresh, you will likely get blurry corners.


RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC RCA F25675BC