RCA F26050WN

May 28, 2024, 12:18 am
March 8, 2025, 2:47 pm


Midrange 26" set by RCA. Made in the USA.



Uses an "ADT" tube model , which are of RCA's cheaper designs. Still quite decent, I'd say.

The first four gameplay pics are of composite, and the ones following the images of the internals are over s-video.

The s-video signal definitely has some noticeable chroma bleed, but this could be due to the age or wear of the internal components. Still looks better than composite!


RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN RCA F26050WN