Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV

Andy King
June 3, 2024, 6:38 pm
March 23, 2025, 8:04 pm


Unknown consumer Sharp CRT chassis modified to have an integrated 2-chip SNES hooked up via S-Video.



The sticker around the cartridge slot is only present on floor/display models. SF1s with this sticker should be avoided due to the nearly guaranteed high-hours usage unless you are really determined to have one for collectors' purposes.

The tube in these is a very common Sharp/Toshiba 13" tube that can be swapped from many other Sharp 13" TVs. I don't know if any have a directly compatible yoke offhand but the tube and degaussing coil are directly swappable. For the one I worked on, I took the tube from a Sharp 13N-M100 and swapped the original yoke onto it.

The SNES part of the TV is removable for servicing. To remove it, take out the two screws securing it on either side of the top frame of the TV and then give it a really forceful vertical wiggle on either side to free up the plastic to slide out. The whole top assembly slides back out of the TV. The people on YouTube taking these apart without removing the top plastic from the TV first are doing it the hardest possible way...

The SNES itself is prone to leaking capacitors and part of the restoration process should be removing it for recapping. The 2 47uF and 220uF capacitors should be replaced. The larger 21G variant has a slightly different SNES board layout and will only have one 47uF cap instead of two. Please refer directly to the page for the 21G for more specific information.

The power supply design is a very early SMPS design that uses an SCR (D701 Toshiba S6565F) for power driving. There is an NTE listed replacement (NTE5424) but I tried one and it ran extremely hot. It would definitely need a heatsink added to it if you needed to use one.

The vertical IC (TA7812S) is pin compatible with the more common Sanyo LA7812C.

For a full repair log on this TV you can check my Patreon.

Common Repairs

  • Check IC3103 - a 78L05S 5v regulator responsible for standby power on the micon. If this 5v regulator fails, the TV will never turn on. It can be replaced with a regular full size 7805, inserted backwards (facing the heatsink).


Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV Sharp 14G-SF1 SNES TV