Sharp 34N-WF5H

July 22, 2024, 12:07 am
December 20, 2024, 1:51 am


A rare HD set by Sharp, made in Japan in 2000. One of only two direct-view high-definition CRT TVs by Sharp, this one being their last. This set is under the SharpVision line, which was the name given for their digital projectors of the time.



This set is insane, as it has VGA input as well as two component inputs over RCA and BNC jacks. It can accept 480p and 1080i laglessly, and reportedly the linedoubler for SD sources is fast enough that lightguns even work. See video HERE

This set uses a special Toshiba Microfilter made in Japan. The phosphor coating allows for more vibrant color and higher light transmission. As a result, it looks amazing.

The speakers on this set can process Qsound, which is the same format that Capcom arcade games of the mid-to-late 90's used.

After this, Sharp would not make any more HD CRTs for the North American market. What a shame.


Sharp 34N-WF5H Sharp 34N-WF5H Sharp 34N-WF5H Sharp 34N-WF5H