Sony PVM-14L3

Trixter192, Rhubarb
February 8, 2025, 12:49 pm
February 9, 2025, 2:39 am


14" (13" viewable) standard definition PVM. The PVM-14L3, 14L4, and 20L4 share many of the same parts and were sold largely to the European market. They are similar to the PVM-14L5 and 20L5 monitors (which were not sold in Europe), but do not have multiformat capability. The PVM-14L3 uses a 600 TVL single-focus tube (like the PVM-14M2 and PVM-14L2), while the 14L4 uses the same 800 TVL dual-focus tube as the PVM-14L5.



The BKM-129X input card needed for an extra RGB input on this monitor is difficult to find. Fortunately, however, it has been reverse engineered by Martin Heijnfelt and clone cards are now available from Retro Upgrades in the UK.


Sony PVM-14L3 Sony PVM-14L3 Sony PVM-14L3 Sony PVM-14L3 Sony PVM-14L3