Unisys EVG-400-COL

Matt Ross
November 1, 2024, 5:29 am
December 16, 2024, 10:25 am


Basic 15" SVGA monitor, manufactured by Samsung. It appears to be a rebrand of the Syncmaster 4Ne. It can display up to 64 kHz, which is quite good for a 15" monitor from that year.


No documentation is available online at this time.


Despite being an SVGA monitor, this model uses a 9-pin D connector for RGB input. The pinout is the same as the early NEC Multisync series.

DB9 Pinout

MultiSync                VGA 
9 Pin D-sub        15 Pin Mini D-sub
  1. Red <------------------> 1
  2. Green <----------------> 2
  3. Blue <------------------> 3
  4. H Sync/CSync <-------> 13
  5. V Sync <---------------> 14
  6. <-----------------------> GND
  7. <-----------------------> GND/NC
  8. <-----------------------> GND/NC
  9. <-----------------------> GND/NC


Unisys EVG-400-COL Unisys EVG-400-COL Unisys EVG-400-COL Unisys EVG-400-COL Unisys EVG-400-COL Unisys EVG-400-COL