Yamaha YM-300S

April 17, 2024, 7:36 pm
December 31, 2024, 4:41 pm


A rather high-end set for the time, this Yamaha model is a rebadge of the NEC CT-3000S from the late 80's. Unlike the NEC-branded model, this one has a black trim as opposed to a silver one. External speaker outputs are rated for at least 5w and 8ohm resistance. Has the then-new "SVHS" input for separate luma-chroma video. Uses a 30" Toshiba FST-Magnum tube (later FST SuperTube) with an invar shadow mask.


(None at this time)


Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S Yamaha YM-300S