Magnavox MWC13D5

Eli Krause
December 28, 2024, 9:14 am
March 18, 2025, 7:27 pm


This model is made by Funai as is the same as the Sylvania 6513DF. Requires a compatible remote with a "Picture" button in order to adjust picture settings.


Mods & Repair Guides


The service menu cannot be accessed without making a service remote, which involves lifting and bodging pins on a very small surface mount IC in the remote. The internal DVD player is connected via Y/C, making an S-Video mod possible. An RGB mod is not readily doable due to the unified micon/jungle chip.


Magnavox MWC13D5 Magnavox MWC13D5 Magnavox MWC13D5 Magnavox MWC13D5 Magnavox MWC13D5 Magnavox MWC13D5 Magnavox MWC13D5 Magnavox MWC13D5