Philips 25PS40 S121

Matt Ross
July 4, 2022, 3:24 am
January 21, 2025, 12:10 pm


25" stereo TV from Philips. Similar in appearance to the 27PS55, but with just one side-mounted composite A/V input.



This TV uses a 25" tube, and is a potential donor for arcade monitors.

This model, unlike some Philips TVs with the M8 chassis, has a standard service menu and can be adjusted without the need for a factory remote.

Several Philips TVs, including this model, are prone to oxidized microswitches on the front panel. This causes the buttons to perform the wrong function when pressed. This can be fixed by replacing the switches, or avoided by using the remote instead.

It should be possible to modify this TV for component and/or S-Video inputs.


Philips 25PS40 S121 Philips 25PS40 S121 Philips 25PS40 S121 Philips 25PS40 S121 Philips 25PS40 S121