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Diamond Vision
A combination of chemicals mixed into the distinctive blue Diamond Vision faceplate absorbs room light to create deeper, brighter, more exciting colors--truer by 40% . We added other color-absorbing chemicals to absorb undesirable light elements from those emitted by the phosphors of the picture tube. Then painstakingly re-engineered the phosphors themselves to match the new screen's transmission characteristics. The result was not only a picture relatively unaffected by ambient light, but a dramatically improved picture overall.
Sets by Year
1981: CS-1595, CS-1971, CS-1982
1982: CS-1334, CS-1395, CS-1534, CK-2560R, CK-2582
1983: CS-1396R, CS-1596R, CS-1940R, CS-1960R, CS-1972R, CS-1983R, CS-2183R, CS-2572R, CK-2573R, CK-2583R, CK-2584R
1984: CS-1384R, CK-2561R, CK-2587R
1985: CS-1342R, CS-1344R, CS-1905, CS-1937, CS-2051R, CS-2053R, CS-2662R, CS-2667R, CS-2669R, CS-2670R
1986: CS-2000, CS-2001R, CS-2011R, CS-2063R, CS-2651R, CS-2690R, CS-2691R
1987: CS-1345R, CS-1945R, CS-2013R, CS-2054R, CS-2087R, CK-2600R, CS-2653R, CS-2655R, CK-2693R, CK-2694R, CK-3101R, CS-3503R, CS-3513R, CK-3555R, CK-3557R
Sets Entered into CRT Database
Media & Promo Materials
Diamond Vision II / Scandium Cathode
By using Scandium Oxide, Mitsubishi engineers have developed the world's first truly high-current cathode, capable of up to 40% more brightness output. In addition, our new Dynamic Beam forming actively refocuses the beam at every position on the screen, enabling us to minimize distortion. So our Diamond Vision II offers 15% sharper focus at the center of the picture and 40% improvement at the edges. The DVII electron gun also incorporates additional electromagnetic "lenses" that provide a sizeable improvement in electron beam control. Better focus produces a smaller beam, so fine details can be resolved at the screen.
Sets by Year
1987: CK-3101R, CS-3503R, CK-3513R
1988: CK-2604R, CK-2605R, CS-2657R, CS-2671R, CS-3103R, CS-3504R, CK-3514R, CK-3560R
1989: CS-3505R, CS-3520R
1990: CS-2722R, CS-3506R, CK-3531R
1991: CS-2723R, CS-3120R, CS-3535R, CS-3536R
1992: CS-31MX1, CS-35FX1, CS-35X7
1993: CS-26201, CS-27EX1, CK-35402, CK-35MX2
Sets Entered into CRT Database
Media & Promo Materials