Dell P1110

Andy King, Eli Krause
August 30, 2024, 3:59 am
January 10, 2025, 1:08 am


This is a Dell rebrand of the Sony CPD-G500. There is a lot of misattributed postings online saying that it is a rebrand of the CPD-E500 but its not. There is a translated image of a 2001 article included below in the gallery that gives more details about this.



This monitor is available in both black and white color schemes.

This monitor includes digital convergence controls, accessible through the OSD menu.

Brightness & Color Issues

PC Monitors made by Sony often have drifted out of calibration. This can result in poor color balance, excessive brightness, or other issues. These monitors often have an extremely bright picture, sometimes with a green tint. This cannot always be corrected with the OSD controls, and the monitor's firmware settings must be adjusted using WinDAS, Sony's proprietary calibration software.


Dell P1110 Dell P1110 Dell P1110 Dell P1110 Dell P1110 Dell P1110 Dell P1110