Sony CPD-G520P

Mike Morisette
June 4, 2024, 10:42 pm
February 4, 2025, 11:40 pm


21" VGA monitor from Sony. Has dual VGA inputs in the back



Many of Sony's PC monitors from this generation include an hour counter. To access it, turn on the monitor with no input signal, then press and hold the "OK" button for a few seconds.

Brightness & Color Issues

PC Monitors made by Sony often have drifted out of calibration. This can result in poor color balance, excessive brightness, or other issues. These monitors often have an extremely bright picture, sometimes with a green tint. This cannot always be corrected with the OSD controls, and the monitor's firmware settings must be adjusted using WinDAS, Sony's proprietary calibration software.


Sony CPD-G520P Sony CPD-G520P Sony CPD-G520P Sony CPD-G520P